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Máy giặt Primer LS-14

Máy giặt Primer LS-14
Mã sản phẩm: Model: LS-14
Giá bán: Liên hệ
Hãng sản xuất: Primer/ Tây Ban Nha
Nước sản xuất: Tây Ban Nha
Công suất: 13 Kg
Mô tả chi tiết

Dải sản phẩm của chúng tôi về các máy giặt công nghiệp tốc độ cao là rất rộng, với công suất từ 10-200 kg. Do đó chúng tôi có thể đáp ứng những khách hàng khác nhau với các nhu cầu khác nhau như: Trung tâm thể thao, khách sạn, trung tâm điều dưỡng và chăm sóc y tế, bệnh viện, các câu lạc bộ thể thao, các xưởng và nhà máy giặt là thương mại, các cửa hàng giặt khô.
Thiết kế đột phá của chúng tôi nhằm mang đến cho thị trường những sản phẩm chất lượng, hiệu quả cao và thân thiện với môi trường:
  • Hiệu quả sử dụng năng lượng cao và công suất tiêu thụ nước thấp, từ đó giúp vốn đầu tư được thu hồi nhanh hơn.
  • Chương trình linh hoạt về: thời gian, nhiệt độ, hóa chất và các chương trình mới.
  • Công suất vắt cao (tốc độ vòng/ phút và lực vắt G factor) cho phép đồ vải phẳng sau khi giặt được chuyển thẳng sang giai đoạn là ở máy là sấy ga, qua đó giảm thời gian xử lý đồ vải
  • Công nghệ mới Wet Cleaning giúp xử lý các đồ vải đặc biệt ở các model PM
  • Thiết kế hợp lý giúp dễ dàng bảo dưỡng máy

Modelo P

Modelo PM
Tốc độ vắt lê đến 1000 rpm. Cấu trúc chống rung, không cần bắt bu lông xuống sàn nhà
Lực vắt cao: 350 G
Cho phép đồ vải phẳng được
xử lý trực tiếp ở máy là ga mà không cần qua công đoạn sấy


Lồng giặt, phía ngoài lồng và thân máy làm bằng thép không rỉ.
Thân máy làm bằng thép mạ (model. 11 a 26) hoặc bằng thép ống (model. 42 a 120)
Truyền động: bằng puli và dây đai được điều khiển bằng biến tần, cho phép lựa chọn bất kỳ tốc độ giặt, vắt. Giảm rung và độ ồn, đồng thời tiết kiệm 35% năng lượng tiêu thụ. Nó cũng cho phép tăng tuổi thọ của các linh kiện máy.
Có hệ thống tự động phát hiện mất cân bằng thông qua bộ biến tần
Hệ Thống Tính Toán Tải: Dựa vào số lượng kg đồ vải để giặt, máy sẽ tính toán và sử dụng lượng nước, hóa chất, nhiệt năng tương ứng.



Có 2 loại bảng điều khiển:

Bảng điều khiển kỹ thuật số P

Cho phép lựa chọn 16 chương trình cài đặt sẵn, với khả năng thay đổi thời gian và nhiệt độ theo các khối khác nhau, với các lựa chọn giặt, chương trình nâng cao và giũ nâng cao. Khả năng tra cứu số liệu thống kê và cảnh báo. Các chức năng khác nhau có thể lập trình: chương trình chạy tự động, hủy tính năng làm nóng nhiệt, phong tỏa chương trình, vv… Dễ dàng nhận biết các giai đoạn giặt thông qua các đèn LED.

Bảng điều khiển vi xử lý PM

Chọn 16 chương trình được cài đặt sẵn, với khả năng thay đổi thời gian và nhiệt độ theo các khối khác nhau, và khả năng lập trình lên đến hơn 83 chương trình trực tiếp từ bảng điều khiển lớn hoặc bằng máy tính PC. Có thẻ nhớ bên trong
Có khả năng:
  • Thay đổi các mức nước
  • Lựa chọn ngôn ngữ hiển thị
  • Hủy tính năng đốt nhiệt
  • Cài đặt thời gian
  • Hỗ trợ cảnh báo và thống kê
  • Khởi động trễ
  • Wet Cleaning (Cho các loại đồ đặc biệt)
  • Xả kép để tái chế nước
  • Đốt nóng hỗ hợp điện - hơi
  • Tính năng vắt đồ tiết kiệm tối đa nước, năng lượng và hóa chất.
Chức năng làm mát ở cuối chương trình đối với các đồ vải đặc biệt
Tính năng kiểm tra:
  • Kiểmtrachứcnăng
  • Cài đặt cảnh báo và thống kê


Điện: Thanh nhiệt đốt nóng (Có thể không dùng cho model LS-11, 14, 19, 26)
Hơi: Sử dụng nồi hơi ngoài


Hệ thống tự động phát hiện mất cân bằng tự động Khóa an toàn và khóa cửa an toàn
Đáp ứng tiêu chuẩn EC và CE




ETL (Canada – EE UU) W-RAS (UK)
GOST (Rusia)


Nước: có hai đường cấp nước nóng và lạnh ( Model P) và 3 đường cấp nước nóng/ lạnh/ đăc biệt (Model PM). Tự động trộn nước nóng và lạnh để tiết kiệm năng lượng.
Xả: thông qua van (tùy chọn bơm cho model 11 và 14) Khí nén: (model 125) cho van xả và nghiêng máy Hóa chất
Rắn: Có 4 ô cấp hóa chất (model 11-14-19-26) và 5 ngăn (model 42- 62- 125)
Model P: 4 tín hiệu kết nối với hệ thống hóa chất trung tâm
Model PM: 7 tín hiệu kết nối với hệ thống hóa chất trung tâm

Điện áp

Có thể hoạt động được ở nhiều điện áp khác nhau – 220 V 1 pha Model LS-11/14/19/26, 230 V 3 pha và 400 V 3 pha

Modelo P
Modelo PM
Tốc độ vắt lê đến 1000 rpm. Cấu trúc chống rung, không cần bắt bu lông xuống sàn nhà
Lực vắt cao: 350 G
Cho phép đồ vải phẳng được
xử lý trực tiếp ở máy là ga mà không cần qua công đoạn sấy


Lồng giặt, phía ngoài lồng và thân máy làm bằng thép không rỉ.
Thân máy làm bằng thép mạ (model. 11 a 26) hoặc bằng thép ống (model. 42 a 120)
Truyền động: bằng puli và dây đai được điều khiển bằng biến tần, cho phép lựa chọn bất kỳ tốc độ giặt, vắt. Giảm rung và độ ồn, đồng thời tiết kiệm 35% năng lượng tiêu thụ. Nó cũng cho phép tăng tuổi thọ của các linh kiện máy.
Có hệ thống tự động phát hiện mất cân bằng thông qua bộ biến tần
Hệ Thống Tính Toán Tải: Dựa vào số lượng kg đồ vải để giặt, máy sẽ tính toán và sử dụng lượng nước, hóa chất, nhiệt năng tương ứng.



Có 2 loại bảng điều khiển:

Bảng điều khiển kỹ thuật số P

Cho phép lựa chọn 16 chương trình cài đặt sẵn, với khả năng thay đổi thời gian và nhiệt độ theo các khối khác nhau, với các lựa chọn giặt, chương trình nâng cao và giũ nâng cao. Khả năng tra cứu số liệu thống kê và cảnh báo. Các chức năng khác nhau có thể lập trình: chương trình chạy tự động, hủy tính năng làm nóng nhiệt, phong tỏa chương trình, vv… Dễ dàng nhận biết các giai đoạn giặt thông qua các đèn LED.

Bảng điều khiển vi xử lý PM

Chọn 16 chương trình được cài đặt sẵn, với khả năng thay đổi thời gian và nhiệt độ theo các khối khác nhau, và khả năng lập trình lên đến hơn 83 chương trình trực tiếp từ bảng điều khiển lớn hoặc bằng máy tính PC. Có thẻ nhớ bên trong
Có khả năng:
  • Thay đổi các mức nước
  • Lựa chọn ngôn ngữ hiển thị
  • Hủy tính năng đốt nhiệt
  • Cài đặt thời gian
  • Hỗ trợ cảnh báo và thống kê
  • Khởi động trễ
  • Wet Cleaning (Cho các loại đồ đặc biệt)
  • Xả kép để tái chế nước
  • Đốt nóng hỗ hợp điện - hơi
  • Tính năng vắt đồ tiết kiệm tối đa nước, năng lượng và hóa chất.
Chức năng làm mát ở cuối chương trình đối với các đồ vải đặc biệt
Tính năng kiểm tra:
  • Kiểmtrachứcnăng
  • Cài đặt cảnh báo và thống kê


Điện: Thanh nhiệt đốt nóng (Có thể không dùng cho model LS-11, 14, 19, 26)
Hơi: Sử dụng nồi hơi ngoài


Hệ thống tự động phát hiện mất cân bằng tự động Khóa an toàn và khóa cửa an toàn
Đáp ứng tiêu chuẩn EC và CE




ETL (Canada – EE UU) W-RAS (UK)
GOST (Rusia)


Nước: có hai đường cấp nước nóng và lạnh ( Model P) và 3 đường cấp nước nóng/ lạnh/ đăc biệt (Model PM). Tự động trộn nước nóng và lạnh để tiết kiệm năng lượng.
Xả: thông qua van (tùy chọn bơm cho model 11 và 14) Khí nén: (model 125) cho van xả và nghiêng máy Hóa chất
Rắn: Có 4 ô cấp hóa chất (model 11-14-19-26) và 5 ngăn (model 42- 62- 125)
Model P: 4 tín hiệu kết nối với hệ thống hóa chất trung tâm
Model PM: 7 tín hiệu kết nối với hệ thống hóa chất trung tâm

Điện áp

Có thể hoạt động được ở nhiều điện áp khác nhau – 220 V 1 pha Model LS-11/14/19/26, 230 V 3 pha và 400 V 3 pha

UNIT           LS-11        LS-14        LS-19        LS-26
PRODUCCIÓN PRODUCTION Ratio 1: 9 kg 11,2 14,4 20 28
Ratio 1: 10 kg 10 13 18 25
Programdor electrónico / Digital Control (P)   SI / YES SI / YES SI / YES SI / YES
Microprocesador / Microprocessor (PM)   SI / YES SI / YES SI / YES SI / YES
Autoservicio / Self Service (P)   SI / YES SI / YES SI / YES SI / YES
Ø Tambor / Ø Drum mm 532 620 700 770
Profundidad Tambor / Drum Depth mm 425 430 470 530
Volumen Tambor / Drum Volume l 100 130 180 250
Ø Boca Carga / Ø Loading Door mm 290 373 373 373
Altura Suelo-Centro Puerta / Height Floor-Door Center mm 628 683 683 745
Altura Suelo-Parte Inferior Puerta / Height Floor-Door Bottom mm 418 425 425 487
Velocidad Lavado/Secado - Wash/Dry Speed rpm 50 50 47 45
Velocidad Centrifugado / Spin Speed rpm 1.100 1.000 950 900
Factor G / G Factor - 350 350 350 350
Vapor Steam Potencia Motores / Motor Power W 750 1.500 2.200 3.000
Potencia Total / Total Power W 750 1.500 2.200 3.000
Eléctrica Electric
Potencia Motores / Motor Power W 750 1.000 2.200 3.000
Potencia Resistencias/ Heating Power W 6.000 9.000 12.000 18.000
Potencia Total / Total Power W 6.750 10.000 14.200 21.000
Vapor/ Steam Entrada / Inlet Pulg. /inch 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4"
Agua/ Water Entrada fría /caliente /descalcificada - Cold/hot/soft Inlet Pulg. /inch 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4"
Desagüe/ Drain Ø 1º y 2º/ 1st & 2nd drain mm/pul-inch 50.8/2 50.8/2 50.8/2 76.2/3
A. Caliente-Vapor Hot Water-Steam
Sección Cable 230 I + T / Intensity Nº x mm2 / A 3 X 1,5 /16 3 X 1,5 / 16 3 X 1,5 / 16 ------
Sección Cable 230 III + T / Acometida- Intensity Nº x mm2 / A ------ ------ ------ 4 x 1,5 / 10
Sección Cable 400 III + N + T / Acometida- Intensity Nº x mm2 / A ------ ------ ------ 5 x 1,5 / 6
Eléctrica Electrical
Sección Cable 230 I + T / Acometida- Intensity Nº x mm2 / A 3 x 10 / 50 3x16 / 63 3 x 25 /100 -----
Sección Cable 230 III + T / Acometida- Intensity Nº x mm2 / A 4 x 4 / 32 4 x 16 / 40 4 x 10 / 63 4 x 16 / 80
Sección Cable 400 III + N + T / Acometida- Intensity Nº x mm2 / A 5 x 1,5 / 16 5 x 2,5 / 25 5 x 4 / 32 5 x 6 / 50
Presion / Pressure Presion entrada agua / Inlet water pressure bar 2 a 4 2 a 4 2 a 4 2 a 4
Consumos Consumption
Agua Caliente / Hot Water litros 40 65 85 100
Agua Descalcificada / Soft Water litros no prog. no prog. no prog. no prog.
Agua Fría / Cold Water litros 84 114 139 225
Total / Total litros 124 179 224 325
VAPOR / STEAM Consumo (2-4 bar) / Consumption kg/h 20 35 50 75
Doble Desague / Double drain P/PM NO NO / OPC NO / OPC NO / OPC
Válvula / Valve BSP 3" 3" 3" 3"
Bomba / Pump   OPC OPC NO NO
Netas / Brutas Nett / Gross
Ancho / Width mm 692 / 730 788 / 830 885 / 930 980 / 1.040
Profundo / Depth mm 830 / 1.000 870 / 1.010 914 / 1.030 1.041 / 1.160
Altura / Height mm 1.177 / 1.410 1.321 / 1.560 1.428 / 1.680 1.598 / 1.700
Brutas / Gross Volumen / Volume m3 1,03 1,31 1,61 2,05
Netas/ Brutas Nett/ Gross Peso / Weight kg 230 / 239 250 / 283 360/393 490 / 545
Frecuencia / Frequency Hz 50 - 60 * 50 - 60 * 50 - 60 * 50 - 60 *
Compartimentos detergentes / Soap compartments U 4 4 4 4
Señales detergentes liquidos / Liquid dosing signals P / PM 4 / 7 4 / 7 4 / 7 4 / 7
Posición cubetas detergentes / position soap box   superior/ top superior/ top superior/ top superior/ top
Volcable / Tilt   ----- ----- ----- -----
Aire comprimido (volcado) / Compressed air (tilt) Nl/h ----- ----- ----- -----
Carga al suelo / Load to floor kg / m2 370,18 389,25 427,27 501,65
Decibelios / Decibels dB 60 60 60 60
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    Fresh from their recent success at a series of major UK award shows, Green Stem CBD has expanded their award-winning CBD enhanced range to include first-to-market CBD infused tonic waters free from sugar, artificial sweeteners and artificial flavourings.

    Each can delivers 10mg of the highest quality broad-spectrum CBD and come in three delicious botanical flavours that include Elderflower, Rhubarb & Rose and Citrus. Recommended retail price is £3.00 per can.

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    The 250ml cans of tonic are adorned with the same beautiful artwork and design that have made Green Stem one of the most visible CBD companies in the UK and reflect the quality and purity of the ingredients in the can.

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    Manufactured at their HQ in Guildford, Surrey, the Green Stem CBD range is crafted using hemp oil rich in phytocannabinoids, derived from hemp grown organically in Colorado USA. All products are also thoroughly tested, enabling the proven health benefits of CBD to be experienced without any negative side effects.

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    Si vous besoin un de item ou vous êtes intéressé par coopérer avec nous, s'il vous pla?t appeler nous. Nous sera certainement vous envoyer le le magazine et nous sera offre offre vous le meilleur offre réalisable.

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    Anticipant Votre réponse attend! Un merveilleuse journée!

    5 năm trước
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    5 năm trước
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    Dear Friend! How are you? I write to introduce our best vape backlink service. We have big team of professionals from Pakistan, India and Bangladesh who work cheap and do good job with backlinks. You just look at my profile and place order now! https://www.fiverr.com/hakams/list-you-under-a-vape-directory-with-seo
    5 năm trước
  • 0
    Increase your website's slcvietnam.com rankings, traffic and domain authority using our PBN backlink service. We are constantly acquiring very powerful domains with excellent metrics and rich history and turning them into Private Blog Networks (PBNs). We then post guest posts to these sites with do follow backlinks, which in turn enables us to rank almost any type of a website for a set of chosen keywords from any niche.

    We specifically acquire expired domains that have backlinks from authority sites such as famous magazines and newspapers (i.e. Allure, Vogue, Cosmopolitan, New York Times, BBC, CNN, etc.). All of our domains have excellent domain authority, trust flow, a clean backlinks profile and no spam. These are basically domains that were once popular brands and businesses that acquired a lot of authority backlinks and were subsequently dropped. We then researched and acquired all such powerful expired domains and turned them into PBNs.

    Our PBNs are hosted on different servers with unique IPs and no footprints. All of our PBNs are indexed and in good standing with the search engines.

    We are constantly creating backlinks for every single domain to increase the domain authority.

    Building a quality PBN has costs us in excess of tens of thousands of dollars as we had to acquire very expensive expired domains at auctions, unique hosting and IPs for every site and employ a large team to set everything up.

    You can order the package at https://creativebeartech.com/product/authority-pbn-backlinks-building-service-for-organic-seo/

    How it works

    1. Send us your website URL/domain
    2. Send us up to 50 keywords you would like to rank for on the search engines
    3. We will create unique content/articles around your keywords/niche and post it on every PBN with a do follow backlink to your site.
    4. We will create tier 2,3 and 4 backlinks by building backlinks to your guest posts/PBN links to increase the backlink equity flowing from them. These backlinks will include the actual PBN .com sites, forum posts, document sharing sites, web 2.0 sites, social media sites, social bookmarks, business directories, article sites and much more!

    How this Will Help Your Website

    In simple terms, a backlink from an authority site is counted as a vote of confidence from the search engines. The more quality backlinks you have pointing to your website, the higher you will be ranked on the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). Higher rankings will naturally lead to more site traffic, domain authority and revenue.

    Acquiring guest posts is a very expensive and monotonous process that seldom yields any good results. Creating links on authority PBN sites is a surefire way of ranking quickly and inexpensively. A website without any backlinks will NOT rank.

    Our PBN backlinks have been used to rank some of the leading brands in the world and they work exceptionally well every single time.

    We are presently accepting all niches.

    What you Will Receive

    You will receive a file with the urls of the posts containing do follow backlinks to your website.

    You will receive 100 backlinks from the below pool of domains. You will also receive in excess of 1,500 to 3,000 mixed and authority tier 1, 2 and 3 backlinks from top article sites, social media, business directories, social bookmarks, forums and document sharing sites!

    You can order the package at https://creativebeartech.com/product/authority-pbn-backlinks-building-service-for-organic-seo/
    5 năm trước
  • 0

    I have a question, i see a lot of items in this shop https://screenshot.photos/product97 that you also sell in your webshop. But there products are 41% cheaper,
    well my question is what is the difference between your shop and theirs,is it the quality or something else,
    i hope you can help me!


    "Sent from my iPhone"
    5 năm trước
  • 0
    Your website is nominated,
    for best fashion photo of the year 2020 in catogory fashion.
    Our international jury has registered your website on the competition list, for more info go to https://screenshot.photos/nominated

    Thank you
    5 năm trước
  • 0
    Hello guys

    I do a fair bit of SEO for vape and CBD companies and whilst doing some research, I found your site slcvietnam.com. I wanted to see whether you would be interested in my vape and CBD backlinks packages?

    You can view all of my packages at https://www.sweatyquid.com/thunderboltseo

    Do order me or drop me a line if you are interested.

    Thanks in advance.

    Kind regards
    5 năm trước
  • 0

    I have a question,
    I have received my order but you have sent me the wrong item.
    as you can see here on this photo, http://item.pictures/wrongorderitem
    Please help me, i will sent the order back to you. i just want the good order.

    Yours truly

    "Sent from my iPhone"
    5 năm trước
  • 0

    I just want to say what a wonderful webshop you have!.
    I am a regular customer of your webshop.
    I had visited your shop last month, and I saw a very nice plastic item i wanne order.
    But I have a question! today I wanted to order it, but can not find the plastic product anymore in your webshop.
    The plastic item looks like this picture http://bit.ly/PlasticProductItem32
    Mail me if you are going to sell it again.
    I'll wait.

    Yours sincerely

    "Sent from my iPhone"
    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Good Afternoon

    I am writing to you to introduce my freelance vape seo services. I specialise in creating quality vape-related links to rank vape-related sites on search engines such as Google. I work with 50 of the leading vape shops, e-juice brands and wholesalers and now I have decided to take the same package that we provide to clients via an agency and offer it ten times cheaper on Fiverr.

    Please take a look at the package and if it is of interest, please feel free to order it from https://www.fiverr.com/cryptovaper

    Thank you for your time.

    Kind regards

    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Hi guys

    We would like to welcome you to join Peaches and Screams affiliate program.

    I feel that your site is an ideal match for this scheme.

    You can find all the info on the program, including on how to register here: https://peachesandscreams.co.uk/pages/lingerie-and-sex-toy-affiliate-program

    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me personally on +447494635510

    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Good Afternoon

    I am writing to you to introduce my freelance vape seo services. I specialise in creating quality vape-related links to rank vape-related sites on search engines such as Google. I work with 50 of the leading vape shops, e-juice brands and wholesalers and now I have decided to take the same package that we provide to clients via an agency and offer it ten times cheaper on Fiverr.

    Please take a look at the package and if it is of interest, please feel free to order it from https://www.fiverr.com/cryptovaper

    Thank you for your time.

    Kind regards

    6 năm trước
  • 0
    The vape industry has grown exponentially since 2012. It all started off with the ego starter kits, then progressed to dripping and subohming and now we seem to have reached the heights of nicotine salts, shortfill e-liquids, CBD and Juul devices. Thousands of brick-and-mortar vape shops have opened all around the world. New online vape shop start-ups are emerging on a daily basis. The competition in the vape industry has become cut throat! Back in 2012, it was a breeze to rank for competitive vape keywords on most search engines whilst today, it is even becoming difficult to rank for local area post codes as every corner of every city seems to have a growing vape shop demographic.

    We were the first vape SEO company in the world and we know the vape industry inside out. We have ranked some of the biggest e-juice brands since when they were starting out, vape shops that were to become some of the biggest chains in the country, vape wholesalers, event organisers and many other different types of vape sites. Our deep knowledge of the SEO and the vape industries allows us to understand the unique business models of our clients and exactly what it takes to rank a vape shop to the very top of the search engines.

    As we have mentioned above, since working with many vape businesses, we have created a blueprint for ranking a site. We have gone through numerous trial and errors and know what works and what does not work. In the current SEO climate, major search engines are putting a greater emphasis on the overall domain authority and metrics of a site as well as brand and onsite visitor behaviour (browsing, click-throughs and bounces). We are constantly adjusting our package to ensure that all of our practices are closely attuned to the latest SEO best-practices and search engine algorithms.

    1,000 backlinks on vape and e-liquid blogs: all of the links are do follow, permanent and 100% related to the vaping niche. This helps the search engines to classify your site and rank it higher on the basis of the fact that it has a lot of links coming from designated vape blogs. Moreover, each vape blog has a very high domain authority which will pass on a lot of link equity to you site.

    5,000+ forum posts: we will post out a unique message about your website or brand on the most popular forums in the world. Not only will this help to generate awareness about your brand but will also give you a lot of backlinks and direct visitors to your site.

    Guest posts on very powerful sites: we have exclusive access to some very popular and powerful sites on which we can place guests posts with links to your site.

    Mixed backlinks: in addition to the above work, we will also create some mixed backlinks for some diversity. This would include some blog comments, video comments and more.

    Indexing: we will index your links with the major searhc engines at a very natural and steady pace to keep the search engine red flags at bay!

    Learn more and buy at

    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Good Afternoon

    I am writing to you to introduce my freelance vape seo services. I specialise in creating quality vape-related links to rank vape-related sites on search engines such as Google. I work with 50 of the leading vape shops, e-juice brands and wholesalers and now I have decided to take the same package that we provide to clients via an agency and offer it ten times cheaper on Fiverr.

    Please take a look at the package and if it is of interest, please feel free to order it from https://www.fiverr.com/cryptovaper

    Thank you for your time.

    Kind regards

    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Good Afternoon

    I am writing to you to introduce my freelance vape seo services. I specialise in creating quality vape-related links to rank vape-related sites on search engines such as Google. I work with 50 of the leading vape shops, e-juice brands and wholesalers and now I have decided to take the same package that we provide to clients via an agency and offer it ten times cheaper on Fiverr.

    Please take a look at the package and if it is of interest, please feel free to order it from https://www.fiverr.com/cryptovaper

    Thank you for your time.

    Kind regards

    6 năm trước
  • 0
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    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Good Afternoon

    I am writing to you to introduce my freelance vape seo services. I specialise in creating quality vape-related links to rank vape-related sites on search engines such as Google. I work with 50 of the leading vape shops, e-juice brands and wholesalers and now I have decided to take the same package that we provide to clients via an agency and offer it ten times cheaper on Fiverr.

    Please take a look at the package and if it is of interest, please feel free to order it from https://www.fiverr.com/cryptovaper

    Thank you for your time.

    Kind regards

    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Hello again!

    I have gotten an email saying that my original message was not delivered so here goes again. Please confirm receipt.

    As mentioned in my original message, I would like to contribute an article to your blog on how cryptocurrencies are reshaping the adult and more particularly the escort industry. I had a friend who ran an escort agency in the UK and he always had problems with the authorities, banks and even payment processors. I genuinely feel that cryptocurrencies have the potential to liberalise the escort industry and replace the anachronistic banking model which no longer works in today's modern society.

    You can find the article on my G-Drive:


    Whilst writing this article, I contacted a couple of websites to get some references and one website has even provided me with some images and have given their permission for you to use them. I have included a short bio about myself. I hope your audience enjoys reading my article.

    I can potentially write a couple more articles as and when I get some free time. It is crazy busy at work after all the festivities!

    Have a fab day!

    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Good Afternoon

    I am writing to you to introduce my freelance vape seo services. I specialise in creating quality vape-related links to rank vape-related sites on search engines such as Google. I work with 50 of the leading vape shops, e-juice brands and wholesalers and now I have decided to take the same package that we provide to clients via an agency and offer it ten times cheaper on Fiverr.

    Please take a look at the package and if it is of interest, please feel free to order it from https://www.fiverr.com/cryptovaper

    Thank you for your time.

    Kind regards

    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Hello again!

    I have gotten an email saying that my original message was not delivered so here goes again. Please confirm receipt.

    As mentioned in my original message, I would like to contribute an article to your blog on how cryptocurrencies are reshaping the adult and more particularly the escort industry. I had a friend who ran an escort agency in the UK and he always had problems with the authorities, banks and even payment processors. I genuinely feel that cryptocurrencies have the potential to liberalise the escort industry and replace the anachronistic banking model which no longer works in today's modern society.

    You can find the article on my G-Drive:


    Whilst writing this article, I contacted a couple of websites to get some references and one website has even provided me with some images and have given their permission for you to use them. I have included a short bio about myself. I hope your audience enjoys reading my article.

    I can potentially write a couple more articles as and when I get some free time. It is crazy busy at work after all the festivities!

    Have a fab day!

    6 năm trước
  • 0
    I am currently working with some of the biggest vape wholesalers, MOD makers, e-juice brands and vape shops. I am sure that you have heard of them all or seen them at most vape expos. To put it bluntly, I know what works and what doesn't. I now know the vape industry like the back of my hand.

    I have taken all the most effective elements of my vape seo equation and lumped them into these incredibly cheap packages, which I would sell for about 10 times the amount I am selling them for here.

    I have divided the packages on the basis of the amount of competition you are facing. So here is the breakdown of what exactly you will get with each package:

    Mouse (ideal for small local vape shops located in the suburbs):

    100 links inside my vape and ejuice blogs
    50 bookmarks and social signals

    Cat (mid-sized vape companies)

    500 backlinks inside vape blogs
    250 social bookmarks
    promotion on 5,000 forums
    Around 10,000 mixed blog comment, PBN and other links to increase your domain authority

    Bear (ideal for companies based in large cities)

    1500 vapor blog links
    500 social bookmarks
    Promotion on 10,000 forums
    20,000 mixed links
    Guest Posts on 5 strong sites
    Lots of Extras

    To learn more, please visit https://www.fiverr.com/ghosttownseo/create-a-full-vape-backlinks-package
    6 năm trước
  • 0
    [url=http://theprettyguineapig.com/amoxicillin/]Amoxicillin Without Prescription[/url] Amoxicillin 500mg kot.npfg.slcvietnam.com.diy.ts http://theprettyguineapig.com/amoxicillin/
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    [url=http://theprettyguineapig.com/amoxicillin/]Amoxicillin 500 Mg[/url] 18 osk.wpvd.slcvietnam.com.hlq.et http://theprettyguineapig.com/amoxicillin/
    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Hello again!

    I have gotten an email saying that my original message was not delivered so here goes again. Please confirm receipt.

    As mentioned in my original message, I would like to contribute an article to your blog on how cryptocurrencies are reshaping the adult and more particularly the escort industry. I had a friend who ran an escort agency in the UK and he always had problems with the authorities, banks and even payment processors. I genuinely feel that cryptocurrencies have the potential to liberalise the escort industry and replace the anachronistic banking model which no longer works in today's modern society.

    You can find the article on my G-Drive:


    Whilst writing this article, I contacted a couple of websites to get some references and one website has even provided me with some images and have given their permission for you to use them. I have included a short bio about myself. I hope your audience enjoys reading my article.

    I can potentially write a couple more articles as and when I get some free time. It is crazy busy at work after all the festivities!

    Have a fab day!

    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Good Afternoon

    I am writing to you to introduce my freelance vape seo services. I specialise in creating quality vape-related links to rank vape-related sites on search engines such as Google. I work with 50 of the leading vape shops, e-juice brands and wholesalers and now I have decided to take the same package that we provide to clients via an agency and offer it ten times cheaper on Fiverr.

    Please take a look at the package and if it is of interest, please feel free to order it from https://www.fiverr.com/cryptovaper

    Thank you for your time.

    Kind regards

    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Hey guys

    I am writing to see if you would like to build some backlinks from my network of over 5,000 vape blogs?

    As you may be aware, in 2019 SEO, domain authority now plays a very important role and determines how well a website ranks.

    The best way to build up the domain authority is via niche-related or in our case vape backlinks.

    You can learn more about my package and place an order here: https://www.fiverr.com/calivapelyfe/create-powerful-vape-blog-backlinks

    Here are a couple of examples of my vape blogs (I hope you like them!)


    I look forward to working with you!

    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Hi guys

    I am in the midst of starting up my very own little vape shop in Kent and wanted to reach out to you to ask you for some advice as it looks like you have a pretty successful vape business going.

    Firstly, I would like to know how to select the best e-liquid wholesaler with a very good e-liquid range. Do let me know if you sell wholesale and if so, it would be great if you could send me across your price list.

    I am planning of making my own e-liquid brand and was wondering what is the best way to promote it? I have already purchased an email list of all vape shops and companies as a whole for my newsletter marketing from https://theeliquidboutique.co.uk/products/vape-company-e-mail-mailing-list

    I am also getting a vape SEO company to help me with the website creation.

    What else would you recommend I do to make my vape shop a success?

    I really appreciate your time and look forward to hearing from you.

    Kind regards

    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Hey guys

    I am writing to see if you would like to build some backlinks from my network of over 5,000 vape blogs?

    As you may be aware, in 2019 SEO, domain authority now plays a very important role and determines how well a website ranks.

    The best way to build up the domain authority is via niche-related or in our case vape backlinks.

    You can learn more about my package and place an order here: https://www.fiverr.com/calivapelyfe/create-powerful-vape-blog-backlinks

    Here are a couple of examples of my vape blogs (I hope you like them!)


    I look forward to working with you!

    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Hi guys

    I am in the midst of starting up my very own little vape shop in Kent and wanted to reach out to you to ask you for some advice as it looks like you have a pretty successful vape business going.

    Firstly, I would like to know how to select the best e-liquid wholesaler with a very good e-liquid range. Do let me know if you sell wholesale and if so, it would be great if you could send me across your price list.

    I am planning of making my own e-liquid brand and was wondering what is the best way to promote it? I have already purchased an email list of all vape shops and companies as a whole for my newsletter marketing from https://theeliquidboutique.co.uk/products/vape-company-e-mail-mailing-list

    I am also getting a vape SEO company to help me with the website creation.

    What else would you recommend I do to make my vape shop a success?

    I really appreciate your time and look forward to hearing from you.

    Kind regards

    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Hey guys

    I am writing to see if you would like to build some backlinks from my network of over 5,000 vape blogs?

    As you may be aware, in 2019 SEO, domain authority now plays a very important role and determines how well a website ranks.

    The best way to build up the domain authority is via niche-related or in our case vape backlinks.

    You can learn more about my package and place an order here: https://www.fiverr.com/calivapelyfe/create-powerful-vape-blog-backlinks

    Here are a couple of examples of my vape blogs (I hope you like them!)


    I look forward to working with you!

    6 năm trước
  • 0

    Backlinks are similar to citations found in non-fiction books. They are references to your website, made by other websites that drive traffic to your online content. The more substantive and qualitative backlinks a website has the better search results your site will receive. However, finding reputable backlinks from e-cigarette sites can be very difficult. Without qualitative references by well-respected websites your online business will suffer. Our E-Cigarette Backlink Package contains substantive, reputable backlinks that can help you improve your websites search-ability.


    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Good morning

    I am looking to build up my B2B email list for newsletter marketing.

    I am very keen to get Ivy's B2B Leads Miner - Yellow Pages Scraper Software as it is probably one of the best Yellow Pages scrapers for UK and USA out there.

    I was just wondering if you have ever used this particular or any other scrapers before?

    Cheers guys!
    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Hello again!

    I have gotten an email saying that my original message was not delivered so here goes again. Please confirm receipt.

    As mentioned in my original message, I would like to contribute an article to your blog on how cryptocurrencies are reshaping the adult and more particularly the escort industry. I had a friend who ran an escort agency in the UK and he always had problems with the authorities, banks and even payment processors. I genuinely feel that cryptocurrencies have the potential to liberalise the escort industry and replace the anachronistic banking model which no longer works in today's modern society.

    You can find the article on my G-Drive:


    Whilst writing this article, I contacted a couple of websites to get some references and one website has even provided me with some images and have given their permission for you to use them. I have included a short bio about myself. I hope your audience enjoys reading my article.

    I can potentially write a couple more articles as and when I get some free time. It is crazy busy at work after all the festivities!

    Have a fab day!

    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Hello there,

    My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at slcvietnam.com promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesign.com ?

    We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to include current and up to date resources for our readers. Our resource links are manually approved allowing us to mark a link as a do-follow link as well
    If you may be interested please in being included as a resource on our blog, please let me know.

    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Do you run an e-liquid company or a vape wholesale or distribution business? Are you tired of hitting the wall with your marketing efforts? Would you like to start exploding your sales with a click of a button? Let us now share with you the secret sauce that has powered some of the biggest e-juice brands from around the world: The Global Vape Shop Email List!

    Global Vape Shop Database and Vape Store Email List - https://bit.ly/2V3ZKAU


    The Global Vape Shop Email List is an Excel spreadsheet containing vape shop contact details. The spreadsheet comes with many tabs for different countries and each tab contains the vape shop contact details for that respective country.

    The Global Vape Shop Database contains vape shop names, emails, websites, telephone numbers, locations and store addresses, social media links and much more! Our database has around 15,000 vape shops but this number is approximate because the vape shop numbers fluctuate following updates.

    Click here to learn more and purchase the database: https://bit.ly/2V3ZKAU
    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Hi guys

    I am writing to quickly introduce you to my cool vape SEO packages that are aimed at helping vape shops, e-liquid brands and other related sites rank on Google and Bing!

    I have been working with 30 online vape shops since 2012 when they all started very small and I have helped them all to grow to 7 figure businesses! Unlike other freelancers who churn out volume without much regard for the long-term success of their clients, I prefer to join my clients for the long haul. I currently have a bit more capacity which is why I am reaching out to see whether you would be interested in any of my packages.

    In essence, I can promote your vape site on 10,000 quality forums, build mega powerful vape blog backlinks and do a bit of guest posting, blog commenting and much more.

    It would be easier if you could view my profile at https://www.fiverr.com/mayfairvaper. Everything is there and it will save me the time from duplicating.

    If you like what you see, feel free to order and watch your site grow to the next level!

    Have a good one!

    I am going back to my Asmodus and Marina Vape e-liquid for a chillout session :)


    Mayfair Vaper

    P.S. yup, thanks to the success of my 30 clients, I bought a house in Mayfair!
    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Do you run an e-liquid company or a vape wholesale or distribution business? Are you tired of hitting the wall with your marketing efforts? Would you like to start exploding your sales with a click of a button? Let us now share with you the secret sauce that has powered some of the biggest e-juice brands from around the world: The Global Vape Shop Email List!

    Global Vape Shop Database and Vape Store Email List - https://bit.ly/2V3ZKAU


    The Global Vape Shop Email List is an Excel spreadsheet containing vape shop contact details. The spreadsheet comes with many tabs for different countries and each tab contains the vape shop contact details for that respective country.

    The Global Vape Shop Database contains vape shop names, emails, websites, telephone numbers, locations and store addresses, social media links and much more! Our database has around 15,000 vape shops but this number is approximate because the vape shop numbers fluctuate following updates.

    Click here to learn more and purchase the database: https://bit.ly/2V3ZKAU
    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Hello again!

    I have gotten an email saying that my original message was not delivered so here goes again. Please confirm receipt.

    As mentioned in my original message, I would like to contribute an article to your blog on how cryptocurrencies are reshaping the adult and more particularly the escort industry. I had a friend who ran an escort agency in the UK and he always had problems with the authorities, banks and even payment processors. I genuinely feel that cryptocurrencies have the potential to liberalise the escort industry and replace the anachronistic banking model which no longer works in today's modern society.

    You can find the article on my G-Drive:


    Whilst writing this article, I contacted a couple of websites to get some references and one website has even provided me with some images and have given their permission for you to use them. I have included a short bio about myself. I hope your audience enjoys reading my article.

    I can potentially write a couple more articles as and when I get some free time. It is crazy busy at work after all the festivities!

    Have a fab day!

    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Hello again!

    I have gotten an email saying that my original message was not delivered so here goes again. Please confirm receipt.

    As mentioned in my original message, I would like to contribute an article to your blog on how cryptocurrencies are reshaping the adult and more particularly the escort industry. I had a friend who ran an escort agency in the UK and he always had problems with the authorities, banks and even payment processors. I genuinely feel that cryptocurrencies have the potential to liberalise the escort industry and replace the anachronistic banking model which no longer works in today's modern society.

    You can find the article on my G-Drive:


    Whilst writing this article, I contacted a couple of websites to get some references and one website has even provided me with some images and have given their permission for you to use them. I have included a short bio about myself. I hope your audience enjoys reading my article.

    I can potentially write a couple more articles as and when I get some free time. It is crazy busy at work after all the festivities!

    Have a fab day!

    6 năm trước
  • 0

    Are you looking for " Guaranteed Quality T-SHIRT @ 3.99 USD With Your Logo " Almost All Colours Available ?

    Size: S,M,L,XL Or Custom"

    MOQ 500 Pieces

    Logo Included : 2"x 2" Size in 1 colour.
    [For Multi Colours and Different size cost will be change]

    Small Orders are welcome.

    If yes, then FOR Designs Visit our Google Drive Secure link for new Designs Mockup Catalog:

    visit www.axiomasterisk.com & Reply This E-mail

    For Multi Colour Shirts 0.30 USD Will be additional Charges:

    To get door delivery prices let us know

    - Order quantity

    - Send your Logo

    - Country Name

    - 100% POLYSTER

    Many more materials available depaned on demand.

    For Non-Regular Colours and Custom Size or Sublimation Print or Custom Printing cost will be change.

    Shipping Cost depends on your Country and Order quantity and Customization.

    So we will provide you best bottom door delivery Prices.

    PS: Kindly WhatsApp us On 0092-333-8711707 to make sure that you E-Mail Have
    been delivered us.
    Thank You!

    Best Regards
    Mailing Address:
    Afzal Building
    Main Street no.2, Al-rehmat town,
    Chenab Rangers road, Sialkot-51310, Pakistan.

    Email: axiom.asterisk@gmail.com
    Phone: 0092-333-8711707
    Whatsapp: 0092-333-8711707
    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Hello again!

    I have gotten an email saying that my original message was not delivered so here goes again. Please confirm receipt.

    As mentioned in my original message, I would like to contribute an article to your blog on how cryptocurrencies are reshaping the adult and more particularly the escort industry. I had a friend who ran an escort agency in the UK and he always had problems with the authorities, banks and even payment processors. I genuinely feel that cryptocurrencies have the potential to liberalise the escort industry and replace the anachronistic banking model which no longer works in today's modern society.

    You can find the article on my G-Drive:


    Whilst writing this article, I contacted a couple of websites to get some references and one website has even provided me with some images and have given their permission for you to use them. I have included a short bio about myself. I hope your audience enjoys reading my article.

    I can potentially write a couple more articles as and when I get some free time. It is crazy busy at work after all the festivities!

    Have a fab day!

    6 năm trước
  • 0

    I have tried sending you a message via your website but I got an auto response saying it was not delivered for some bizarre reason, so here goes again!

    As mentioned in my previous message, I would like to contribute an article to your blog on UK and EU vape laws. I used to work for a vape shop in London some time ago and I have picked up quite some knowledge on the TPD laws. I have also talked about the vape laws in some other European countries (the ones I am knowledgeable about at least).

    I have saved the article in a word document on my G-Drive which you can access from here:


    Whilst writing this article, I contacted a couple of websites to get some references to substantiate the article and back up some claims with personal anecdotes. I am sorry but I did not have the time to get any images so it would be great if you could add some that you deem appropriate.

    Just in case you want to add a bio to the article, I have cobbled together this blurb about myself.

    Tony is a vaping enthusiast who is currently vaping Blueberry Donut by Marina Vape. Tony used to work for a vape shop based in Shoreditch, London. He enjoys attending vape expos and spending quality time with his wife Melinda, three kids and two dogs in the rural settings of Kent.

    I will write up a few more articles as and when I get some downtime at work - it is crazy busy after the festive season!

    Have an awesome day!

    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Hi, it's Jeanna!

    I'm pinging because I want to comment on the great work on the alcohol content on slcvietnam.com. Things are getting a bit stale though... and Google just updated their algorithm yet again, you know how that'll negatively impact your greatest free traffic source, if there isn't an ongoing flow of new content! You see, businesses get majority of their organic traffic from their blogs, and I feel that you could use a little boost, since you are not blogging daily for now.

    Creating content takes a lot of time, and we have just the team to come up with awesome content you need.

    You can have your new blog to post on slcvietnam.com starting at $10 in as little as 5 days!

    Check out our work and reviews from past clients here: http://bit.ly/2U158Vp

    You're always covered by the industry leading 60-Day Money Back Guarantee!

    Thanks for your time,


    You are receiving this message because the contact form at slcvietnam.com is open to the public. Thank you.
    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Hello there,

    My name is George and I'd like to know if you would have some interest to have your website here at slcvietnam.com promoted as a resource on our blog georgemartjr.com ?

    We are updating our broken link resources to include current and up to date resources for our readers. Our resource links are manually approved allowing us to mark a link as a do-follow link as well
    If you may be interested please in being included as a resource on our blog, please let me know.

    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Hello again!

    I have gotten an email saying that my original message was not delivered so here goes again. Please confirm receipt.

    As mentioned in my original message, I would like to contribute an article to your blog on how cryptocurrencies are reshaping the adult and more particularly the escort industry. I had a friend who ran an escort agency in the UK and he always had problems with the authorities, banks and even payment processors. I genuinely feel that cryptocurrencies have the potential to liberalise the escort industry and replace the anachronistic banking model which no longer works in today's modern society.

    You can find the article on my G-Drive:


    Whilst writing this article, I contacted a couple of websites to get some references and one website has even provided me with some images and have given their permission for you to use them. I have included a short bio about myself. I hope your audience enjoys reading my article.

    I can potentially write a couple more articles as and when I get some free time. It is crazy busy at work after all the festivities!

    Have a fab day!

    6 năm trước
  • 0
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    Are you interested in Gym/Sports Bags with your logo/brand name with Highest Quality?

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    So we will give you best bottom prices on the base of order quantity.

    If you have any Question then feel free to ask us anytime.


    Cordial Regards,
    Ali Afzal

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    Website: www.AxiomAsterisk.com
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    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Hey guys

    I am writing to see if you would like to build some backlinks from my network of over 5,000 vape blogs?

    As you may be aware, in 2019 SEO, domain authority now plays a very important role and determines how well a website ranks.

    The best way to build up the domain authority is via niche-related or in our case vape backlinks.

    You can learn more about my package and place an order here: https://www.fiverr.com/calivapelyfe/create-powerful-vape-blog-backlinks

    Here are a couple of examples of my vape blogs (I hope you like them!)


    I look forward to working with you!

    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Hello again!

    I have gotten an email saying that my original message was not delivered so here goes again. Please confirm receipt.

    As mentioned in my original message, I would like to contribute an article to your blog on how cryptocurrencies are reshaping the adult and more particularly the escort industry. I had a friend who ran an escort agency in the UK and he always had problems with the authorities, banks and even payment processors. I genuinely feel that cryptocurrencies have the potential to liberalise the escort industry and replace the anachronistic banking model which no longer works in today's modern society.

    You can find the article on my G-Drive:


    Whilst writing this article, I contacted a couple of websites to get some references and one website has even provided me with some images and have given their permission for you to use them. I have included a short bio about myself. I hope your audience enjoys reading my article.

    I can potentially write a couple more articles as and when I get some free time. It is crazy busy at work after all the festivities!

    Have a fab day!

    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Hey guys

    I am writing to see if you would like to build some backlinks from my network of over 5,000 vape blogs?

    As you may be aware, in 2019 SEO, domain authority now plays a very important role and determines how well a website ranks.

    The best way to build up the domain authority is via niche-related or in our case vape backlinks.

    You can learn more about my package and place an order here: https://www.fiverr.com/calivapelyfe/create-powerful-vape-blog-backlinks

    Here are a couple of examples of my vape blogs (I hope you like them!)


    I look forward to working with you!

    6 năm trước
  • 0

    Are you looking for " Guaranteed Quality WRIST WRAPS @ 0.98 USD" ?

    Size: 12"

    MOQ 1000 Pairs:

    If yes, then FOR Designs visit www.axiomasterisk.com & Reply This E-mail

    Feel Free to Ask for Production Pictures or Free of Cost Mock up with your logo/instructions.

    To get door delivery prices let us know

    - order quantity

    - send your Logo

    - Country Name

    For Non-Regular Colours and Custom Size Cost will be change.

    Shipping Cost depends on your Country and Order quantity and Customization.

    So we will provide you best bottom door delivery Prices.

    PS: Kindly WhatsApp us On 0092-333-8711707 to make sure that you E-Mail Have
    been delivered us.
    Thank You!

    Best Regards
    Mailing Address:
    Afzal Building
    Main Street no.2, Al-rehmat town,
    Chenab Rangers road, Sialkot-51310, Pakistan.

    Email: axiom.asterisk@gmail.com
    Phone: 0092-333-8711707
    Whatsapp: 0092-333-8711707

    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Hello again!

    I have gotten an email saying that my original message was not delivered so here goes again. Please confirm receipt.

    As mentioned in my original message, I would like to contribute an article to your blog on how cryptocurrencies are reshaping the adult and more particularly the escort industry. I had a friend who ran an escort agency in the UK and he always had problems with the authorities, banks and even payment processors. I genuinely feel that cryptocurrencies have the potential to liberalise the escort industry and replace the anachronistic banking model which no longer works in today's modern society.

    You can find the article on my G-Drive:


    Whilst writing this article, I contacted a couple of websites to get some references and one website has even provided me with some images and have given their permission for you to use them. I have included a short bio about myself. I hope your audience enjoys reading my article.

    I can potentially write a couple more articles as and when I get some free time. It is crazy busy at work after all the festivities!

    Have a fab day!

    6 năm trước
  • 0
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    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Hello again!

    I have gotten an email saying that my original message was not delivered so here goes again. Please confirm receipt.

    As mentioned in my original message, I would like to contribute an article to your blog on how cryptocurrencies are reshaping the adult and more particularly the escort industry. I had a friend who ran an escort agency in the UK and he always had problems with the authorities, banks and even payment processors. I genuinely feel that cryptocurrencies have the potential to liberalise the escort industry and replace the anachronistic banking model which no longer works in today's modern society.

    You can find the article on my G-Drive:


    Whilst writing this article, I contacted a couple of websites to get some references and one website has even provided me with some images and have given their permission for you to use them. I have included a short bio about myself. I hope your audience enjoys reading my article.

    I can potentially write a couple more articles as and when I get some free time. It is crazy busy at work after all the festivities!

    Have a fab day!

    6 năm trước
  • 0

    Could you please give me a call to discuss advertising options on your website?

    Would love to advertise my company on your site.

    You can reach me on (727) 300-0277 and

    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Hello guys

    By way of an introduction, I am Alex. Whilst I do SEO and build links for sites in many niches, my particular area of expertise is the vape and CBD market. I have worked with over 50 vape shops, ejuice brands and wholesalers over the past year.
    I can definitely build vape links to rank your site at the top of Google and bring you tonnes of organic traffic.

    You can view and buy my packages at https://www.fiverr.com/calivapelyfe

    Thanks for your time!

    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Hello again!

    I have gotten an email saying that my original message was not delivered so here goes again. Please confirm receipt.

    As mentioned in my original message, I would like to contribute an article to your blog on how cryptocurrencies are reshaping the adult and more particularly the escort industry. I had a friend who ran an escort agency in the UK and he always had problems with the authorities, banks and even payment processors. I genuinely feel that cryptocurrencies have the potential to liberalise the escort industry and replace the anachronistic banking model which no longer works in today's modern society.

    You can find the article on my G-Drive:


    Whilst writing this article, I contacted a couple of websites to get some references and one website has even provided me with some images and have given their permission for you to use them. I have included a short bio about myself. I hope your audience enjoys reading my article.

    I can potentially write a couple more articles as and when I get some free time. It is crazy busy at work after all the festivities!

    Have a fab day!

    6 năm trước
  • 0

    You really made a very nice website, it is wonderful.
    I had a question about a product that you sell.
    So I tried to order it, but it is sold out. and now I can no longer find the product on your site.
    I really want to order 10 pieces. the product i want to order looks like this on this website
    https://bit.ly/ProductItem622 I hope i can order the product soon from your webshop.

    Have a verry nice day
    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Hello again!

    I have gotten an email saying that my original message was not delivered so here goes again. Please confirm receipt.

    As mentioned in my original message, I would like to contribute an article to your blog on how cryptocurrencies are reshaping the adult and more particularly the escort industry. I had a friend who ran an escort agency in the UK and he always had problems with the authorities, banks and even payment processors. I genuinely feel that cryptocurrencies have the potential to liberalise the escort industry and replace the anachronistic banking model which no longer works in today's modern society.

    You can find the article on my G-Drive:


    Whilst writing this article, I contacted a couple of websites to get some references and one website has even provided me with some images and have given their permission for you to use them. I have included a short bio about myself. I hope your audience enjoys reading my article.

    I can potentially write a couple more articles as and when I get some free time. It is crazy busy at work after all the festivities!

    Have a fab day!

    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Hello again!

    I have gotten an email saying that my original message was not delivered so here goes again. Please confirm receipt.

    As mentioned in my original message, I would like to contribute an article to your blog on how cryptocurrencies are reshaping the adult and more particularly the escort industry. I had a friend who ran an escort agency in the UK and he always had problems with the authorities, banks and even payment processors. I genuinely feel that cryptocurrencies have the potential to liberalise the escort industry and replace the anachronistic banking model which no longer works in today's modern society.

    You can find the article on my G-Drive:


    Whilst writing this article, I contacted a couple of websites to get some references and one website has even provided me with some images and have given their permission for you to use them. I have included a short bio about myself. I hope your audience enjoys reading my article.

    I can potentially write a couple more articles as and when I get some free time. It is crazy busy at work after all the festivities!

    Have a fab day!

    6 năm trước
  • 0

    SEO Link building is a process that requires a lot of time fo slcvietnam.com
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    6 năm trước
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    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Hello again!

    I have gotten an email saying that my original message was not delivered so here goes again. Please confirm receipt.

    As mentioned in my original message, I would like to contribute an article to your blog on how cryptocurrencies are reshaping the adult and more particularly the escort industry. I had a friend who ran an escort agency in the UK and he always had problems with the authorities, banks and even payment processors. I genuinely feel that cryptocurrencies have the potential to liberalise the escort industry and replace the anachronistic banking model which no longer works in today's modern society.

    You can find the article on my G-Drive:


    Whilst writing this article, I contacted a couple of websites to get some references and one website has even provided me with some images and have given their permission for you to use them. I have included a short bio about myself. I hope your audience enjoys reading my article.

    I can potentially write a couple more articles as and when I get some free time. It is crazy busy at work after all the festivities!

    Have a fab day!

    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Hi guys

    I just came across your forum post on how to promote your vape business. I tried registering to reply to your post but my account is still pending approval so I figured it would be quicker to drop you a quick line here.

    In terms of newsletter marketing, I would personally recommend the vape company email list from https://theeliquidboutique.co.uk/products/vape-company-e-mail-mailing-list

    I have just received today's update and it is looking pretty good - over 39,000 clean vape company emails.

    I have been using this email list with my newsletter campaigns for about 3 months and have managed to get a pretty good result for my eliquid brands.

    Anyway, aside from that I would probably recommend that you build some quality vape backlinks for organic search engine rankings but this can take a bit of time. Another thing you should look at is social media marketing, especially Instagram. Try reviewing your prices and create some promotions on your site. If your products are cheaper than your competition then you would get more returning customers. Think about writing more blog posts and target a set of keywords that are important for your business.

    That is all I have for now.

    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Good Afternoon

    I am writing to you to introduce my freelance vape seo services. I specialise in creating quality vape-related links to rank vape-related sites on search engines such as Google. I work with 50 of the leading vape shops, e-juice brands and wholesalers and now I have decided to take the same package that we provide to clients via an agency and offer it ten times cheaper on Fiverr.

    Please take a look at the package and if it is of interest, please feel free to order it from https://www.fiverr.com/cryptovaper

    Thank you for your time.

    Kind regards

    6 năm trước
  • 0

    Are you looking for " Guaranteed Quality WRIST WRAPS @ 0.98 USD" ?

    Size: 12"

    MOQ 1000 Pairs:

    If yes, then FOR Designs visit www.axiomasterisk.com & Reply This E-mail

    Feel Free to Ask for Production Pictures or Free of Cost Mock up with your logo/instructions.

    To get door delivery prices let us know

    - order quantity

    - send your Logo

    - Country Name

    For Non-Regular Colours and Custom Size Cost will be change.

    Shipping Cost depends on your Country and Order quantity and Customization.

    So we will provide you best bottom door delivery Prices.

    PS: Kindly WhatsApp us On 0092-333-8711707 to make sure that you E-Mail Have
    been delivered us.
    Thank You!

    Best Regards
    Mailing Address:
    Afzal Building
    Main Street no.2, Al-rehmat town,
    Chenab Rangers road, Sialkot-51310, Pakistan.

    Email: axiom.asterisk@gmail.com
    Phone: 0092-333-8711707
    Whatsapp: 0092-333-8711707

    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Hello there,

    My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at slcvietnam.com promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesign.com ?

    We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to include current and up to date resources for our readers. Our resource links are manually approved allowing us to mark a link as a do-follow link as well
    If you may be interested please in being included as a resource on our blog, please let me know.

    6 năm trước
  • 0

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    [For Multi Colours and Different size cost will be change]

    Small Orders are welcome.

    If yes, then FOR Designs Visit our Google Drive Secure link for new Designs Mockup Catalog:

    visit www.axiomasterisk.com & Reply This E-mail

    For Multi Colour Shirts 0.30 USD Will be additional Charges:

    To get door delivery prices let us know

    - Order quantity

    - Send your Logo

    - Country Name

    - 100% POLYSTER

    Many more materials available depaned on demand.

    For Non-Regular Colours and Custom Size or Sublimation Print or Custom Printing cost will be change.

    Shipping Cost depends on your Country and Order quantity and Customization.

    So we will provide you best bottom door delivery Prices.

    PS: Kindly WhatsApp us On 0092-333-8711707 to make sure that you E-Mail Have
    been delivered us.
    Thank You!

    Best Regards
    Mailing Address:
    Afzal Building
    Main Street no.2, Al-rehmat town,
    Chenab Rangers road, Sialkot-51310, Pakistan.

    Email: axiom.asterisk@gmail.com
    Phone: 0092-333-8711707
    Whatsapp: 0092-333-8711707
    6 năm trước
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    Keep up the great work and have a fab week ahead!

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    Good afternoon

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    Hi guys

    I have written a tonne of articles on sex toys, bondage and other stuff with which I have some personal experience :D I would like to contribute these articles to your blog as I think that your audience would enjoy reading them and find them useful. I will try to write some articles.

    You can access all the articles from my Google drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lhtu2cXbHoiorZ_f_eJg9hxZ5qBW-NJr?usp=sharing

    Here are some images and banners that you can use: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gWxexdmp9wIecSU2zrjL7uIYhOUmMg_4?usp=sharing

    That is all for now. I will send you some more articles once I get a bit more free time as it is quite busy at work at the moment. I am really trying to expand my blogging presence so it would be awesome if you could link to Anastasia from Peaches and Screams (https://peachesandscreams.co.uk). I am a full time blogger with them.

    I am also attaching my picture that you could use with each article :) You can select any of my bio pics from this folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19G0Na36YxaAgki6aR5pL0fpcTvbddhSM?usp=sharing

    Anastasia x
    6 năm trước
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    Hi guys

    I have written a tonne of articles on sex toys, bondage and other stuff with which I have some personal experience :D I would like to contribute these articles to your blog as I think that your audience would enjoy reading them and find them useful. I will try to write some articles.

    You can access all the articles from my Google drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lhtu2cXbHoiorZ_f_eJg9hxZ5qBW-NJr?usp=sharing

    Here are some images and banners that you can use: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gWxexdmp9wIecSU2zrjL7uIYhOUmMg_4?usp=sharing

    That is all for now. I will send you some more articles once I get a bit more free time as it is quite busy at work at the moment. I am really trying to expand my blogging presence so it would be awesome if you could link to Anastasia from Peaches and Screams (https://peachesandscreams.co.uk). I am a full time blogger with them.

    I am also attaching my picture that you could use with each article :) You can select any of my bio pics from this folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19G0Na36YxaAgki6aR5pL0fpcTvbddhSM?usp=sharing

    Anastasia x
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    Good afternoon

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    You can find all the articles on my google drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1hKNGwDpmSqW_ODdFKnciyrvPuz0oV9tO?usp=sharing

    If you like my articles then I could write a couple more later this week when I have some more free time.

    Keep up the great work and have a fab week ahead!

    Kind regards
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    Kind regards
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    Hi guys

    I have written a tonne of articles on sex toys, bondage and other stuff with which I have some personal experience :D I would like to contribute these articles to your blog as I think that your audience would enjoy reading them and find them useful. I will try to write some articles.

    You can access all the articles from my Google drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lhtu2cXbHoiorZ_f_eJg9hxZ5qBW-NJr?usp=sharing

    Here are some images and banners that you can use: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gWxexdmp9wIecSU2zrjL7uIYhOUmMg_4?usp=sharing

    That is all for now. I will send you some more articles once I get a bit more free time as it is quite busy at work at the moment. I am really trying to expand my blogging presence so it would be awesome if you could link to Anastasia from Peaches and Screams (https://peachesandscreams.co.uk). I am a full time blogger with them.

    I am also attaching my picture that you could use with each article :) You can select any of my bio pics from this folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19G0Na36YxaAgki6aR5pL0fpcTvbddhSM?usp=sharing

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    You can access all the articles from my Google drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lhtu2cXbHoiorZ_f_eJg9hxZ5qBW-NJr?usp=sharing

    Here are some images and banners that you can use: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gWxexdmp9wIecSU2zrjL7uIYhOUmMg_4?usp=sharing

    That is all for now. I will send you some more articles once I get a bit more free time as it is quite busy at work at the moment. I am really trying to expand my blogging presence so it would be awesome if you could link to Anastasia from Peaches and Screams (https://peachesandscreams.co.uk). I am a full time blogger with them.

    I am also attaching my picture that you could use with each article :) You can select any of my bio pics from this folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19G0Na36YxaAgki6aR5pL0fpcTvbddhSM?usp=sharing

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    On Friday afternoon, as the jury began deliberations, police and civic leaders in this Orlando suburb went on national television to plead for calm in Sanford and across the country if Zimmerman, who identifies himself as Hispanic, is acquitted. Martin was black. act test essay Higher-level brain functions like logical reasoning, as in, “Damn, I should have known better than to waste a day on social media when I was supposed to be working on that board presentation.
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    I'm doing a masters in law proposals for research papers Washington faces a dilemma in dealing with its major regional ally; Egypt controls the strategic Suez Canal and has a peace treaty with neighboring Israel but its army overthrew in July the first freely-elected president, Islamist Mohamed Mursi, after mass protests against his rule. healthcare right or privilege essay Anatoly Kucherena, a Russian lawyer who is advising Edward Snowden in his bid for asylum in Russia, said a separate interview with a Russian radio station that he is trying to arrange for Lon Snowden to travel to Russia. He said that Edward Snowden would appreciate the chance to see his father. essays on oedipus the king Yet the package foundered in Congress, partly due to a fierce lobbying campaign b
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    We'll need to take up references apa reference dissertation The disparate groups of Syrian rebels fighting Assad are increasingly involved in clashes with each other over territory, weapons and ideology, damaging an important alliance of opposition forces and making the task of arming the rebels much more complex for Western governments. research paper with citations "I don't know if all of the outreach that's going to be necessary will happen this election cycle -- I don't think it can be. There's been years of neglect to that segment of the voters," Smiley said. "It's going to take more than just two to four years to change that." descriptive essay about favorite food If this continues, the total volume is likely to breach the12 bcf/d level by March 2014, raising questions about
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    Do you need a work permit? consumerism essays While many experts anticipate more Australian companies will shift jobs to New Zealand as the Australian economy slows, once things improve they say flows of migration and jobs will likely reverse, given Australia's economy is roughly six times bigger. application letters for employment MANILA, Philippines - History will be made at the Mall of Asia Arena tonight as the NBA holds its first-ever game between two league franchises in the country that is well-known for a fascination with basketball. The Houston Rockets and the Indiana Pacers square off at 7 p.m. before a jampacked crowd estimated to surpass 20,000. Tickets went on sale last June 16 and within days, the P550, P4,200 and P8,400 seats were gone, leaving only premium sections of P27,000 and P32,300 each available for ta
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    I live in London essay on reading and writing However, following severe criticism from parents, schools and the opposition, the Minister for Education, Ruairi Quinn, has announced measures ‘to retain the level of resource teachers available to students with special educational needs at the 2012/2013 levels'. research paper on stress in the workplace
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    A jiffy bag thesis of lord of the flies The disaster at the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant, the worst atomic accident since the 1986 Chernobyl explosion, prompted a rethink of plans to raise nuclear capacity from one-third to over half of total demand. college board application essay New iOS and Mac Apps are discovered daily, and can spread without warning. Join us each morning of the work week for a quick look at a new app found spreading through iTunes or the Mac App Store so you’re prepared for the next outbreak. essay on my parents and i Obama's team tried to build the anticipation on Sunday, with senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer sending out an enthusiastic email about the upcoming event at an Illinois college -- one Obama previously visited as a U.S. senator. 
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    Languages dr dg hessayon Responding to the plan, the Federal Housing Finance Agency recently said it would press Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to limit or cease its business where such proposals get approved, effectively closing off most mortgage financing there. essays on crime "First and foremost among criteria for captaincy is to be on the team sheet and Chris is in there on his playing ability. But on top of that he has a massive amount of respect within the squad and has led England well," Lancaster said in a statement. anorexia vs bulimia essay It looks like Janet Jackson forgot to send out any save-the-dates before she and husband Wissam Al Mana tied the knot during a private ceremony -- last year! The 46-year-old singer recently denied rumo
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    What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas? the problem of child labour in india essay The song, Dawkins says, “gives us a very clear picture of the family and gender values he holds and how money plays a rule. … We learn that Eminem sees money, or making it, as something adult men do to provide good lives for themselves and the people they love.” The song also suggests, she adds, that money is “not the most important source of happiness and security for Eminem, but rather, that relationships are. She points out that his songs about success, including “Almost Famous,” and songs about his daughter, such as “Mockingbird” and “When I’m Gone” also emphasize those same themes. short essay on my school bag If Sanchez plays
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    I'm in my first year at university essay on management skills In a gaffe that has attracted plenty of media attention in the heat of Australia's election campaign, opposition leader Tony Abbott told a gathering of conservative party faithful on Monday that no one is "the suppository of all wisdom." what is the best website for my homework to get done How could armed strangers get into military compound ? Could it happan again inside Pentagon or WH ? Security too lax for ex-staff and those allowed to hold guns should first undergo character clearance. how to write a website in a paper You can grab some earthy grub at Chow Town North or Chow Town South, choosing from a wide array of eco-friendly vegan dishes like "bacon sausage on a stick" and "rib ey
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    Who would I report to? history essay prize Hearing Carter talk about Rodriguez Tuesday on ESPN Radio’s “Mike and Mike” program, it appears the two men are more than just casual acquaintances. Carter’s sincere, heartfelt conversation with A-Rod sounded like the kind of advice session a friend would appreciate. editing research paper "Sechin's logic is very simple - he wants first of all tocapture the consumer for the long term," said Vitaly Kryukov, anenergy analyst at IFD Kapital in Moscow. "Then he has to figureout how much oil he needs and where to find it." page separator for thesis That brick wall is Danny Donohue, president of the Civil Service Employees Association, the union representing group-home workers. Donohue is
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    Enter your PIN custom essays online The wounded warrior was a high-school student in Blair, Nebraska, a few miles north of Omaha, when his mother was diagnosed with stomach cancer. He helped care for her until her death a year after his graduation. He enlisted in the Army in June 2003, at age 22, after a small business he had started foundered. He was drawn to a medical specialty; with training, he qualified as a combat medic. cell phone invention essay Christian Democratic Party politician Elmar Brok charges Ivanishvili with having engineered “a total seizure of power.” Mayors from the Saakashvili era were pushed from office, as were leading officials of the state-run radio. Christian Democratic deputy Joachim Zeller charges that Ivanishvili’s government has abandoned the search for a democratic consensus.
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    This site is crazy :) pollution thesis A year after the A's completed a three-game sweep over the Rangers to win the division on the final day, the AL West race is again shaping up as a tight one. Oakland has won eight of its last 10 to set up what should be a scintillating September. The teams play three more times in Texas from Sept. 13-16. english model essay The two administrators, who were appointed to salvage QuinnInsurance in March 2010, allege that the insurer would haveavoided significant losses had PwC highlighted deficiencies seenin company accounts. essay on importance of reading newspaper Abbas reserved his toughest criticism for Jewish settlement building on occupied land that the Palestinians want for a state of their own, saying it "aims to change
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    We'll need to take up references politics thesis The new BB10 devices hit store shelves this year just as the high-end smartphone segment was showing signs of saturation in markets such as the United States. Samsung Electronics recently reported results that fell shy of expectations, while Apple earlier this year reported its first quarterly profit decline in more than a decade. dessay youtube Beyond mobile devices, Ballmer said, Microsoft must seize crucial opportunities in cloud computing services, in online subscriptions to its word processing suite Office, and with its search engine Bing. entrance essays for college For 15 successful attacks on the pipeline through 2011 and 2012, attacks on the Israeli border patrols and in the southern Israeli city of
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    Philip has been an honorary fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh since 1951 - one of his oldest patronages - and has presented Royal Medals several times previously, as well as being involved in other engagements in the past. english essay story spm “It was fabulous,” said Assemblyman Keith Wright (D-Manhattan), who led an Assembly raft Monday and jokingly threatened to sink Bloomberg’s raft. “We were working hard to [beat the mayor] and I got a chance to really splash him at the end, so that made the whole trip worthwhile.” 5 famous filipino essay writers This tragic miscarriage of justice is not the only reason why it is wrong for Lhota, who aspires to
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    I can't get through at the moment account writing essay "To help stop the recent increase in deaths and injuries, we need everyone to play a role in pedestrian safety," said NHTSA Administrator David Strickland, in a statement. "Working with partners on the federal, state, local and individual level, we hope to turn this concerning trend around." essay trip to melaka For example, Curiosity's laser-firing ChemCam instrument found a strong hydrogen signal in fine-grained Martian soils along the rover's route, reinforcing the SAM data and further suggesting that water is common in dirt across the planet (since such fine soils are globally distributed). college essay examples 2014 "The longer-term view remains unchanged, with monetarypolicy diverging betwe
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