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Máy giặt Primer TS-14

Máy giặt Primer TS-14
Mã sản phẩm: Model TS-14
Giá bán: Liên hệ
Hãng sản xuất: Primer/ Tây Ban Nha
Nước sản xuất: Tây Ban Nha
Công suất: 13 Kg
Mô tả chi tiết
Với lực vắt lên đến 200G (đo khả năng vắt theo bán kính và tốc độ vắt) của máy
Các model của máy đáp ứng các yêu cầu của thị trường nhờ cấu trúc mạnh mẽ của máy và lực vắt cao hơn so với các dòng có tốc độ vắt thấp:
  • Đáp ứng các tiêu chuẩn về an toàn theo yêu cầu
  •  Chi phí phù hợp với nhu cầu của các cơ sở giặt là yêu cầu lực vắt tốt và máy có cấu trúc chắc khoẻ
  •  Được thiết kế đặc biệt để phù hợp với các yêu cầu cụ thể: Tàu biển, giặt đồng đồng xu, bệnh viện, trại ngựa…
  • Cần bắt bu lông bệ máy vì cấu trúc đặc thù của máy
  •  Chi phí hiệu quả vì công suất tiêu thụ nước và năng lượng thấp.
Máy Giặt Vắt Tốc Độ Nhanh 

Model P
Model PM
Tốc độ vắt 800 / 700 rpm
Cần bắt bu lông chân đế máy xuống sàn

Cấu trúc máy làm bằng thép mạ chắc khỏe
Lồng giặt, phía ngoài lồng giặt và thân máy làm bằng thép không rỉ

Truyền động: bằng ròng rọc và dây đai được điều khiển bằng biến tần, cho phép lựa chọn tốc độ giặt/ vắt. Giúp giảm độ rung và tiếng ồn, tiết kiệm 30% năng lượng tiêu thụ. Qua đó giúp các linh kiện của máy có tuổi thọ cao hơn

Có 2 loại điều khiển:
P- Bảng điều khiển kỹ thuật số, PM – bảng điều khiển vi xử lý
Phiên bản bảng điều khiển P-Kỹ thuật số: cho phép lựa chọn 16 chương trình cài đặt sẵn, có khả năng thay đổi thời gian và nhiệt độ ở các chương trình, với tùy chọn giặt tiêt kiệm, tua chương trình và giũ thêm. Có các thống kê và cảnh báo. Các tùy chọn để lập trình: tự vận hành, bỏ tính năng đốt nóng (làm nóng), khóa chương trình… dễ dàng nhận biết các giai đoạn giặt thông qua hệ thống đèn LED.
Bảng điều khiển vi xử lý PM
Chức năng làm mát ở cuối chương trình đối với các đồ vải đặc biệt
Điện: Thanh nhiệt (có khả năng không sử dụng nếu không cần) Model TS -11-14- 19-26)
Hơi: Sử dụng nồi hơi ngoài

Hệ thống tự động phát hiện mất cân bằng tự động
Khóa an toàn và khóa cửa an toàn
Đáp ứng tiêu chuẩn EC và CE

ETL (Canada – EE UU),W-RAS (UK), Gost (Russia)

Nước: có hai đường cấp nước nóng và lạnh ( Model P) và 3 đường cấp nước nóng/ lạnh/ đăc biệt (Model PM). Tự động trộn nước nóng và lạnh để tiết kiệm năng lượng
Xả: thông qua van (model TS-11 và 14)
Hóa chất
-Rắn: Có 4 ô cấp hóa chất (model TS 11-14-19-26)
Model P: 4 tín hiệu kết nối với hệ thống hóa chất trung tâm
Model PM: 7 tín hiệu kết nối với hệ thống hóa chất trung tâm
Điện áp
: Có thể hoạt động được ở nhiều điện áp khác nhau – 220 V 1 pha  Model TS-11/14/19/26, 230 V 3 pha và 400 V 3 pha. Nếu sử dụng các điện áp khác có thể tùy chọn và báo cho nhà sản xuất

Đơn vị             TS-11         TS-14         TS-19        TS-26
Tỉ lệ 1: 9 kg 11,2 14,4 20 28
Tỉ lệ 1: 10 kg 10 13 18 25
Programdor electrónico / Digital Control (P) SI / NO SI / YES SI / YES SI / YES SI / YES
Microprocesador / Microprocessor  (PM) SI / NO SI / YES SI / YES SI / YES SI / YES
Autoservicio / Self Service (P) SI / NO SI / YES SI / YES SI / YES SI / YES
Ø  tambor  / Ø Drum mm 532 620 620 700
Profundidad tambor / Drum Depth mm 425 430 600 670
Volumen tambor / Drum Volume l 100 130 180 250
Ø Boca carga / Ø Loading door mm 290 373 373 373
Altura suelo-centro puerta / Height floor-door center mm 628 683 683 745
Altura suelo-parte inferior puerta / Height floor-door bottom mm 418 425 425 487
Velocidad Lavado / Secado - Wash / Dry Speed rpm 50 50 50 47
Velocidad Centrifugado / Spin Speed rpm 820 760 760 715
Factor  G / G Factor - 200 200 200 200
Hot Water-Steam
Potencia Motores / Motor Power W 750 1.500 2.200 3.000
Potencia Total / Total Power W 750 1.500 2.200 3.000
Potencia Motores / Motor Power W 750 1.500 2.200 3.000
Potencia Resistencias / Heating Power W 6.000 9.000 12.000 18.000
Potencia Total / Total Power W 6.750 10.500 14.200 21.000
VAPOR / Steam Entrada / Inlet Pulg. 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4"
Agua / Water Entrada fría /caliente /descalcificada - Cold/hot/soft Inlet Pulg. 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4"
Desagüe / Drain Ø 1º y 2º / 1st & 2nd drain mm/pulg. 50.8 / 2 50.8 / 2 50.8 / 2 76.2 / 3
Hot Water-Steam
Sección Cable 230 I  + T  / Intensidad- Intensity Nº x mm2 3 x 1,5 /1 6 3 x 1,5 / 16 3 x 1,5 / 16 No
Sección Cable 230 III + T  / Acometida- Intensity 2 ----- ----- ----- 4 x 1,5 / 10
Sección Cable 400 III + N  + T  / Acometida - Intensity Nº x mm2 ----- ----- ----- 5 x 1,5 / 6
Sección Cable 230 I   + T   / Acometida- Intensity Nº x mm2 3 x 10 / 50 3 x 16 / 63 3 x 25 / 63 NO
Sección Cable 230 III + T  / Acometida- Intensity Nº x mm2 4 x 4 / 32 4 x 6 / 40 4 x 10  / 63 4 x 16  / 80
Sección Cable 400 III + N  + T  / Acometida - Intensity Nº x mm2 5 x 1,5 / 16 5 x 2,5 / 25 5 x 4 / 32 5 x 10 / 40
Presion / Pressure Presion entrada agua / Water pressure bar 2 a 4 2 a 4 2 a 4 2 a 4
Agua caliente / Hot Water litros 40 65 85 130
Agua descalcificada / Soft Water litros ----- ----- ----- -----
Agua fría / Cold Water litros 78 103 133 206
Total litros 118 168 218 336
Consumo (2-4 bar) / Consumption kg/h 30 30 30 30
Doble Desague / Double drain P / PM NO / NO NO / SI NO / SI NO / SI
Válvula / Valve BSP 3" 3" 3" 3"
Bomba / Pump SI / NO OPC OPC NO NO
Netas  / Brutas
Nett / Gross
Ancho / Width mm 692 / 730 788 / 830 788 / 830 885 / 930
Profundo / Depth mm 830 / 1.000 870 / 1.010 1.034 / 1.160 1.127 / 1.240
Altura / Height mm 1.177 / 1.410 1.321 / 1.560 1.321/ 1.560 1.428 / 1.680
Bruto / Gross Volumen  / Volume m3 1,03 1,31 1,50 1,94
Netas  / Brutas
Nett / Gross
Peso / Weight
208 / 216
225 / 255
246 / 276
320 /350
Frecuencia / Frequency Hz 50 - 60 50 - 60 50 - 60 50 - 60
Compartimentos detergentes / Soap compartments U 4 4 4 4
Señales detergentes líquidos/ Liquid dosing signals P 4 4 4 4
Posición cubetas detergentes / position soap box Sup / Der Superior Superior Superior Superior
Volcable / Tilt SI/NO NO NO NO NO
Aire comprimido (volcado) / Compressed air (tilt) Nl/h ----- ----- ----- -----
Carga al suelo / Load to floor kg 363,19 378,65 424,08 553,89
Decibelios / Decibels dB 60 60 60 60
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    I would be most grateful if you could credit each article to April Lord from Peaches and Screams (https://peachesandscreams.co.uk)

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    Good Afternoon

    I am a PR assistant at Peaches and Screams and I am reaching out to offer you to publish some of our product reviews and guides on your website.

    We are working hard to grow our brand so we thought that publishing articles on your website would help us to achieve exactly that whilst at the same time contributing unique and interesting content to your website.

    When I was reviewing your website, I thought that your visitors would enjoy reading articles on these subjects.

    In writing up our articles, we have chosen the top selling products from our store! All articles are 100% unique and have not been published elsewhere :)

    I have formatted all the articles and have saved each one inside a Word document. I have also added a folder with our banners that you can use with the blog posts.

    I have included articles on 1) product reviews and 2) guides.

    You can find everything inside my Google drive:


    I would be most grateful if you could credit each article to April Lord from Peaches and Screams (https://peachesandscreams.co.uk)

    Likewise, if you have some interesting articles, do hit us up on our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/peachesandscreamsuk/) and we could publish those for you :)

    Thanks for your time and have a fab day!

    Kind regards

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    Good Afternoon

    I am a PR assistant at Peaches and Screams and I am reaching out to offer you to publish some of our product reviews and guides on your website.

    We are working hard to grow our brand so we thought that publishing articles on your website would help us to achieve exactly that whilst at the same time contributing unique and interesting content to your website.

    When I was reviewing your website, I thought that your visitors would enjoy reading articles on these subjects.

    In writing up our articles, we have chosen the top selling products from our store! All articles are 100% unique and have not been published elsewhere :)

    I have formatted all the articles and have saved each one inside a Word document. I have also added a folder with our banners that you can use with the blog posts.

    I have included articles on 1) product reviews and 2) guides.

    You can find everything inside my Google drive:


    I would be most grateful if you could credit each article to April Lord from Peaches and Screams (https://peachesandscreams.co.uk)

    Likewise, if you have some interesting articles, do hit us up on our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/peachesandscreamsuk/) and we could publish those for you :)

    Thanks for your time and have a fab day!

    Kind regards

    April Lord
    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Good Afternoon

    I am a PR assistant at Peaches and Screams and I am reaching out to offer you to publish some of our product reviews and guides on your website.

    We are working hard to grow our brand so we thought that publishing articles on your website would help us to achieve exactly that whilst at the same time contributing unique and interesting content to your website.

    When I was reviewing your website, I thought that your visitors would enjoy reading articles on these subjects.

    In writing up our articles, we have chosen the top selling products from our store! All articles are 100% unique and have not been published elsewhere :)

    I have formatted all the articles and have saved each one inside a Word document. I have also added a folder with our banners that you can use with the blog posts.

    I have included articles on 1) product reviews and 2) guides.

    You can find everything inside my Google drive:


    I would be most grateful if you could credit each article to April Lord from Peaches and Screams (https://peachesandscreams.co.uk)

    Likewise, if you have some interesting articles, do hit us up on our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/peachesandscreamsuk/) and we could publish those for you :)

    Thanks for your time and have a fab day!

    Kind regards

    April Lord
    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Carrie Underwood is my favourite US singer. She is young, beautiful and charming female in her 30s. Her voice takes me away from all problems of this world and I can enjoy my life and listen songs created by her voice. Now she is on a Cry Pretty 360 Tour started in May of 2019. The concerts scheduled for the whole 2019, up to the 31st of October. Tickets are available for all men and women with different income. If you love country music as mush as I, then you must visit at least one Carrie's concert. All tour dates are available at the [url=https://carrieunderwoodtour.com]Carrie Underwood tour Minneapolis[/url]. Visit the website and make yourself familiar with all powerful Carrie Underwood concerts in 2019!
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  • 0
    Hello there,

    My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at slcvietnam.com promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesign.com ?

    We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to include current and up to date resources for our readers. Our resource links are manually approved allowing us to mark a link as a do-follow link as well
    If you may be interested please in being included as a resource on our blog, please let me know.

    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Hello there,

    My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at slcvietnam.com promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesign.com ?

    We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to include current and up to date resources for our readers. Our resource links are manually approved allowing us to mark a link as a do-follow link as well
    If you may be interested please in being included as a resource on our blog, please let me know.

    6 năm trước
  • 0
    New Kids on the Block is my favourite band of 90s. NKOTB had so many hits! The ones I remember are 'Tonight', 'Baby, I Believe In You' and their hit 'Step By Step'. These are real songs, not fake ones like today! And it is sooo good they have a tour in 2019! And I'm going to attend New Kids on the Block concert this year. The tour dates is here: [url=https://newkidsontheblocktour2019.com]New Kids on the Block tour Philadelphia[/url]. Check it out and maybe we can even visit one of the performances together!
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    Thank you,
    Steve S
    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Backstreet Boys BSB are an American rock boy band. The band was founded on April 20, 1993 in Orlando, Florida, by Lou Pearlman. Now this is the most successful boy band with more than 100 million records sold worldwide. The band was named after a flea market in Orlando, the "backstreet flea market". In 2019 BB has more than 50 concerts in the US with their DNA tour. Check them at [url=https://backstreetboystourdates.com]Backstreet Boys tour[/url] website. Full list of tour dates & concerts!
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  • 0
    Good Afternoon

    I am a PR assistant at Peaches and Screams and I am reaching out to offer you to publish some of our product reviews and guides on your website.

    We are working hard to grow our brand so we thought that publishing articles on your website would help us to achieve exactly that whilst at the same time contributing unique and interesting content to your website.

    When I was reviewing your website, I thought that your visitors would enjoy reading articles on these subjects.

    In writing up our articles, we have chosen the top selling products from our store! All articles are 100% unique and have not been published elsewhere :)

    I have formatted all the articles and have saved each one inside a Word document. I have also added a folder with our banners that you can use with the blog posts.

    I have included articles on 1) product reviews and 2) guides.

    You can find everything inside my Google drive:


    I would be most grateful if you could credit each article to April Lord from Peaches and Screams (https://peachesandscreams.co.uk)

    Likewise, if you have some interesting articles, do hit us up on our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/peachesandscreamsuk/) and we could publish those for you :)

    Thanks for your time and have a fab day!

    Kind regards

    April Lord
    6 năm trước
  • 0

    I am the marketing and public relations assistant at Peaches and Screams UK. Peaches and Screams is one of the fastest growing online lingerie and sex shop in the UK and worldwide.

    As part of our new business strategy to offer interesting reads to our clients and visitors, we have decided to allow guest posts on our website.

    You can learn more about our guest posting guidelines at https://peachesandscreams.co.uk/pages/write-for-us-become-our-sex-toys-and-lingerie-blogger but as a general rule of thumb, we will only accept longer, genuine and extremely interesting articles that take a somewhat related slant on our core business activity. In return, your guest post will be featured in front of our visitors and sent out via a newsletter to our subscriber base of 2 million customers.

    If you are interested, please send us your articles for our review at https://www.facebook.com/peachesandscreamsuk. If they are good, we will publish them.

    I look forward to hearing from you.


    6 năm trước
  • 0

    I am the marketing and public relations assistant at Peaches and Screams UK. Peaches and Screams is one of the fastest growing online lingerie and sex shop in the UK and worldwide.

    As part of our new business strategy to offer interesting reads to our clients and visitors, we have decided to allow guest posts on our website.

    You can learn more about our guest posting guidelines at https://peachesandscreams.co.uk/pages/write-for-us-become-our-sex-toys-and-lingerie-blogger but as a general rule of thumb, we will only accept longer, genuine and extremely interesting articles that take a somewhat related slant on our core business activity. In return, your guest post will be featured in front of our visitors and sent out via a newsletter to our subscriber base of 2 million customers.

    If you are interested, please send us your articles for our review at https://www.facebook.com/peachesandscreamsuk. If they are good, we will publish them.

    I look forward to hearing from you.


    6 năm trước
  • 0

    I am the marketing and public relations assistant at Peaches and Screams UK. Peaches and Screams is one of the fastest growing online lingerie and sex shop in the UK and worldwide.

    As part of our new business strategy to offer interesting reads to our clients and visitors, we have decided to allow guest posts on our website.

    You can learn more about our guest posting guidelines at https://peachesandscreams.co.uk/pages/write-for-us-become-our-sex-toys-and-lingerie-blogger but as a general rule of thumb, we will only accept longer, genuine and extremely interesting articles that take a somewhat related slant on our core business activity. In return, your guest post will be featured in front of our visitors and sent out via a newsletter to our subscriber base of 2 million customers.

    If you are interested, please send us your articles for our review at https://www.facebook.com/peachesandscreamsuk. If they are good, we will publish them.

    I look forward to hearing from you.


    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Good Afternoon

    I hope you are well. I am writing to introduce my freelance SEO and marketing services. I used to work for a digital marketing company and now I have decided to freelance on a full-time basis. I still have access to a lot of resources used by my previous SEO company and hence, I can provide a lot of useful and powerful services at the fraction of the price to what SEO companies charge.

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    You can view and purchase my services from https://www.fiverr.com/atouchofawesome

    Thank you for your time and I hope to work with you in the near future.

    Kind regards

    David Nairn
    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Hello there,

    My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at slcvietnam.com promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesign.com ?

    We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to include current and up to date resources for our readers. Our resource links are manually approved allowing us to mark a link as a do-follow link as well
    If you may be interested please in being included as a resource on our blog, please let me know.

    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Invite You to Review Our Product

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    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Good Morning

    I have written some articles on lingerie that I would like to contribute to your blog (those are mostly lingerie guides based on my experience). I totally love lingerie :D I tried to find a guest post section/publication guidelines but could not locate them on your site.

    Instead, I am just sending you the articles. I have saved my articles on my google drive which you can access at

    Here's a link to my profile picture: https://drive.google.com/open?id=19G0Na36YxaAgki6aR5pL0fpcTvbddhSM

    It would be fab if you could also author the articles in the name of Drew.

    Many thanks
    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Hi guys

    I have written a tonne of articles on sex toys, bondage and other stuff with which I have some personal experience :D I would like to contribute these articles to your blog as I think that your audience would enjoy reading them and find them useful. I will try to write some articles.

    You can access all the articles from my Google drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lhtu2cXbHoiorZ_f_eJg9hxZ5qBW-NJr?usp=sharing

    Here are some images and banners that you can use: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gWxexdmp9wIecSU2zrjL7uIYhOUmMg_4?usp=sharing

    That is all for now. I will send you some more articles once I get a bit more free time as it is quite busy at work at the moment. I am really trying to expand my blogging presence so it would be awesome if you could link to Anastasia from Peaches and Screams (https://peachesandscreams.co.uk). I am a full time blogger with them.

    I am also attaching my picture that you could use with each article :) You can select any of my bio pics from this folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19G0Na36YxaAgki6aR5pL0fpcTvbddhSM?usp=sharing

    Anastasia x
    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Hello there,

    My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at slcvietnam.com promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesign.com ?

    We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to include current and up to date resources for our readers. Our resource links are manually approved allowing us to mark a link as a do-follow link as well
    If you may be interested please in being included as a resource on our blog, please let me know.

    6 năm trước
  • 0
    Good Morning

    I have written some articles on lingerie that I would like to contribute to your blog (those are mostly lingerie guides based on my experience). I totally love lingerie :D I tried to find a guest post section/publication guidelines but could not locate them on your site.

    Instead, I am just sending you the articles. I have saved my articles on my google drive which you can access at

    Here's a link to my profile picture: https://drive.google.com/open?id=19G0Na36YxaAgki6aR5pL0fpcTvbddhSM

    It would be fab if you could also author the articles in the name of Anastasia.

    Many thanks
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    Could you ask him to call me? i need a writer for my assignment palagrisim The BBC Proms will continue throughout the summer until September 7. Still to come are celebrations of the music of Benjamin Britten, Vivaldi, Beethoven, Holst, Verdi, Bach, the Film Music Prom and the hugely popular Last Night of the Proms. high school vs college essay Never fear. One of the least technologically sophisticated innovations of these free new courses offered by elite universities is also one of the most useful: You can slow down the lectures to .75 times actual speed, listen in actual time, or speed them up by a factor of 1.25 or 1.5. econometrics paper topics Remember the presidential talking point? If you like your current health plan, Barack Ob
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    But the flipside of the program means removing drugs from the market if their initial promise isn't confirmed by later studies. In 2011 the FDA was criticized by some cancer patients when it revoked breast cancer approval for another Genentech drug, Avastin. The FDA concluded that the drug did not help breast cancer patients live longer or bring enough other benefit to outweigh its dangerous side effects. The drug is still approved to treat colon cancer and other forms of the disease. essay on my future plans The announcement came as EADS completed a strategy review and raised the 2013 order target for its core Airbus unit by 25 per cent to more than 1,000 aircraft, as reported by Reuters earlier this month. essay on a visit
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    Do you know the address? frame you can write on ADP reports payrolls by business size, unlike the official BLS report.  Small business, 1 to 49 employees, fueled the private payroll gains by adding 74,000 jobs with establishments having less than 20 employees adding 46,000 of those jobs.  Notice they count businesses with one employee, as does the BLS and these are payroll employees, not the self-employed.  Medium sized business payrolls are defined as 50-499 employees, added they added 28,000 jobs.  Large business added 64 thousand to their payrolls.   If we take the breakdown further, large businesses with greater than 1,000 workers, added 59,000 of those large business jobs.  Thing is, we do not know if those are American workers or foreign guest workers on Visas.  Other metrics showed multinational corporations are not hiring Americans, in the United States.
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    I'll call back later essay on peer pressure on teenagers Last week, customs data showed China's exports fell 3.1 percent in June against forecasts for a rise of 4 percent, while imports dipped 0.7 percent versus an expected 8.0 percent rise. The customs administration added that the outlook for July to September was "grim. college supplement essays
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    It marks the first time Aluminij, Bosnia's only aluminiumsmelter, has bought power on the open market. Bosnia's state-runpower utility EPHZHB supplies it with an additional 125 MW ofelectricity at 49.3 euros ($65.25) per megawatt-hour (MWh). rudestam surviving your dissertation These yields are still very low by historical standards. They stood at 5.3pc in August 2007, just as the financial crisis got going, according to data from Axa Wealth. If they returned to that level it would imply an annuity rate of £7,300, using our rule of thumb. But the economy is still in a highly unusual situation, with interest rates kept extremely low to avoid pushing households and businesses, still heavily indebted, over the edge.
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    When do you want me to start? essay on happy family Manchester United's Belgian-born Adnan Januzaj could qualify for England in the future by residency. Wenger told BBC Sport: "I agree with him. I always said also an Englishman should manage the England team." essay on business man After the Government announced that they were to have a consultation on equal marriage, Peter Tatchell was quick to rally people in favour. Last year we said the results of his effort were “yet to be seen”, now we know that his hard work paid off with the passing of the Same-Sex Marriage Act in Parliament. When same sex couples get married for the first time next year, they will owe a large thanks to this lifelong activist. Now Tatchell, who has worked for decades at highlighting human rights issues in the UK through direct ac
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    Can I use your phone? buy writing Despite the weaker forecast, stocks jumped, but on Thursday and Friday the markets largely gave back the gains, partly amid fears of a government shutdown or debt default because of political gridlock in Washington but also because of concerns that prices had got over-extended. essay on management information system Those concerns have also been in the news this week, as Congress debates student loan increases. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who says the government should continue to subsidize rates for low-income students, released snippets of emails he received from young constituents, which echo the TD Ameritrade survey findings. Andrea Craft, 25, a single mother with $20,000 in debt and a year left before graduation, wrote, “I often feel like I am not ever going to be able to &
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    Air Force Gen. Robert Kehler, who heads Strategic Command, suspended Giardina, according to the command's top spokeswoman, Navy Capt. Pamela Kunze. Giardina is still assigned to the command but is prohibited from performing duties related to nuclear weapons and other issues requiring a security clearance, she said. naturalistic observation research paper The complex swaps "have cost state and local governmental entities hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars, depleting t
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    In their transmission tests the group found that the Anhui strain transmitted in respiratory droplets in one of three ferret pairs. Tests found, however, that the two novel viruses, plus another from Hangzhou province, bind to human receptors, a factor the researchers said may be critical for the viruses to transmit in ferrets. data analysis softwares Our community has long benefited from many concerned and philanthropic citizens. We also benefit from organized philanthropic foundations like Spartanburg Regional Foundation. In the recently announced grant cycle for 2013, Spartanburg Regional Foundation awarded more than $660,000 to programs and organizations working to improve the health and well-being of citizens. Spartanburg Regional Foundation’s work touches the lives of thousand
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    Soon after he arrived, Pope Francis jumped out of his Popemobile and walked along a corridor of outstretched arms on the street, stopping to bless children and babies with a kiss on the forehead. There was heavy police presence in and around Varginha, a recently "pacified" shanty-town, part of an area previously referred to as the Gaza Strip because of drug violence. thesis survival kit
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